Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Abortion is Murder

I think that abortion should be considered a murder. Aborting a baby is a very big crime because you are murdering a poor defenseless baby. Frankly i do not think that this is right because you can prevent yourself from getting pregnant by using prophylactics. There is a clause in the constitution which states that abortions are illegal. They are only legalized when the life of the mother is in danger. I think that this clause opens the door for more abortions. The Kenyan church agrees with my thoughts on this point. Last year 2,600 women died from illegal abortions. We can see that these statistics show that this crime should be illegal, no matter what. Judging by the corruption in Kenya we can see that if you are willing to do an abortion you can bribe a doctor to create false evidence to prove that your life was in danger. Thus ensuing in no lawsuit being filed. I think that making an amendment would put an end to all of this. There is also the risk of you doing along with your baby, as i said before last year 2,600 women died from illegal abortions. In the case of teen pregnancies a teenager can give and let another family adopt the child. Is it such a hard sacrifice to make after all, a little burden to protect a life. I do not think that you would like it if you were being killed by the will of your mother and there was nothing you could do about it. We need to make sure that this murder is put to an end. If you do not wish to be a mother it is simple, use a prophylactic. Do we really want to soon become the country with the most abortions like Russia. Whereas it is legal in Russia and illegal in Kenya. ( No offense to the Russians meant). The solution is easy an amendment should be made during the referendum.


  1. Nice Blog!
    Short and sweet!
    Straight to the point

  2. I thought like you that one shgould not kill a baby as he also has a life and rights.
